Google just added a great new keyboard shortcut that you can use to refine your searches. While it won’t save a week of time, it’s easier to use than going back to the search bar, clicking it and editing your query to start a new search.

The shortcut is simple and easy to remember: if you’re on the results page for a google search, all you have to do is put the mash together “/” Key on your keyboard – a slash if you’re still getting confused with the other slash on your keyboard – and your cursor jumps back to the search box and positions itself at the very end of your query. You can then add or remove words, add operatoror do it quickly CTRL + A and delete start over.

This trick doesn’t work on first load google.combecause it doesn’t have to; Once you load the page, your cursor is already in the search box and you can enter whatever you want. However, doing multiple searches to find something will allow you to refine your search faster until you find what you came for.

And while we’re at it, we’ll give you a few more shortcuts to speed up your search. Since you can use your browser’s address bar to launch all of your Google queries instead of visiting the Google website, just mix and match CTRL + E. or CTRL + K. whenever you want to search for something on the web. If you’re not on a website that has already adopted one of the keyboard shortcuts for some other purpose (such as adding a hyperlink to the text of a blog post), your cursor will immediately jump to a blank address bar for you to start Your search.

I’ve tested this in Chrome, Edge Chromium, and Firefox and it works by floating. However, if you’re a safari fanatic, then you need to mash it Command + L.. That’s how it is on macOS. When you puree CTRL + L (or ALT + D) In Chrome, Edge Chromium or Firefox, jump to your address bar and mark everything there – a slightly different setup than deleting to do a new search.

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