Illustration for article titled How To Make $ 60 An Hour Playing MinecraftPhoto: ymphotos (Shutterstock)

If you are among them 126 million active Minecraft players worldwide If you enjoy light gardening, you may be wondering when your hobbies overlap in ways that result in a paycheck. That time is now thanks to a new job posting for the role of a virtual landscaper in the 3D worlds created in Minecraft. Here’s what you need to know.

Illustration for article titled How To Make $ 60 An Hour Playing Minecraft

What the job entails

The position is with Whatshed, a UK based garden building buying guide. Specifically, the company is looking for “Recruit a collective of virtual landscapers to provide professional advice to players looking to improve their in-game exteriors.”

The roles of the virtual landscaper include:

  • Assess a customer’s current setup and provide creative feedback
  • Providing suggested setups for clients staying within their budget and explaining the reasons for each of these options
  • Create multiple designs for each customer in case they want a redesign in the future

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Those selected as consultants can earn up to $ 60 an hour for their services when they are hired. However, you can set your own tariffs and then work flexibly and remotely.

Necessary qualifications

To be considered, an applicant must have the following key competencies:

  • Knowledge of Minecraft
  • Strong communication skills
  • Creative flare
  • Trust in remote work
  • A passion for gardening / nature

And while this is not strictly necessary, it is beneficial to have previous landscaping experience.

Illustration for article titled How To Make $ 60 An Hour Playing Minecraft

How do I apply?

If this sounds like the job to you, Fill out this formThis includes a description of why you believe you are an excellent virtual landscaper (in 500 words) and your previous work experience in relation to the position.

If you’d like to hire a Minecraft landscaper, sign up your interest with this form.