Bill Gates

Adam Galica | CNBC

Bill Gates wants to do his part to lessen the impact of a warming planet. He just published a book on climate change. It turns out that he has also changed parts of his life to reduce CO2 emissions.

In Gates’ most recent Ask Me Anything session on Reddit on Friday, a user asked the Microsoft co-founder what people can do to reduce their carbon footprint. Among other things, he recommended that people consume less.

Another user responded by asking what they are doing to consume less.

“Personally, I do a lot more,” wrote Gates. “I drive electric cars. I have solar panels in my house. I eat synthetic meat (sometimes!). I buy green aviation fuel. I pay for direct aerial ingestion through Climeworks To replace natural gas. “

In November, Gates hit the headlines after predicting that more than half of all business travel would disappear after the coronavirus pandemic. On Friday he showed how that could manifest itself in his own schedule.

“I plan to fly a lot less now as the pandemic has shown that we can get by with less travel,” he wrote. Microsoft makes the team app that employees can use to chat and meet on video calls. While Gates stepped down from Microsoft’s board of directors last year, he remains a Microsoft investor and continues to review products the company develops.

Gates also mentioned programs he is involved in to promote environmentally friendly efforts.

“I founded Breakthrough Energy, including the Venture Fund, Fellows, and Catalyst, to improve the climate,” he wrote. “For me, innovation is what makes it possible to provide services for everyone with zero emissions.”

SEE: Bill Gates on the Texas energy crisis that parted ways with fossil fuel companies