Talk about a fine line.

The “Watermelon Sugar” singer’s mustache made a triumphant return and, as expected, the internet couldn’t get enough of it. After returning from a trip to Italy with Olivia WildeThe 27-year-old star was spotted by a fan in a Los Angeles coffee shop. After the encounter on July 31, the fan – like everyone in this situation – shared the overwhelmingly good news with their followers on TikTok.

It all started when @arieastman first uploaded a video of her casually sipping coffee on TikTok, with the text in the video saying, “When you find yourself sitting next to Harry Styles and not fucking your hair washed. ” To add to the shock of the moment, she wrote in the post’s caption, “I just thought I was having a lazy Saturday morning at my local cafe and Harry Styles is here.”

Much to the delight of the fans, she then shared a short video of the artist in which he was having fun with friends and had a good time, which made it more than clear that he was not only apparently in a good mood, but above all the singer was back too a ‘stache.

In a follow-up video, Arie explained that while he didn’t speak to Styles in person (he casually waved at his friend’s dog), he “seemed really nice and happy”.