Which of course they did.
Recording with Gaga is a pleasure (“We went to the studio a lot and didn’t make music. Sometimes we just talked and talked about life and stuff,” BURNS revealed. But throwing the “7 Rings” chanteuse into the mix “It was a match made in heaven,” said Yacoub. “Suddenly it clicked immediately. It was fun to see them.”
With Grande looking to “make an uplifting dance record again,” BURNS said, she happily got into the studio, “and I think she was just blown away. She was such a fan of the record when she first heard it just wanted to be part of it right away. ”
Hundreds of millions of fans and 11 # 1 albums between them, both Gaga and Grande, fall into the pop superstar category. But it’s their differences that make the single what it is, said BURNS. “If they were more of a similar sounding artist, it wouldn’t have worked so well,” he noted. “But the fact that the two contrast so well that they have different vocal styles and textures really elevates the song.”