The FDA cracked down on flavourful single-use vapes last year, and while you can still find puff bars and their counterparts all over the place, the chances are you’re getting a sketchy fake. The secret of what’s in the fakes makes them even more dangerous than the original nicotine dispensers, which weren’t that great for you in the first place. It might be time to quit, so here’s what to expect.

You will never find the perfect time to quit

“There’s no good time to do this,” said Robert S., a 30-year-old who started vaping four years ago to quit, but smoked again to stop vaping. “It’s like a band-aid. You just have to tear it off and do it. “

Robert eventually quit because he was annoyed that he couldn’t play with his four-year-old niece without it getting on his nerves.

“I was tired of being so dependent on an alien substance to continue my daily life,” he said, remembering that he had met his Juul “anytime”, no matter where he was or what he was doing. “I see a lot of teenage people smoking these vapes and they can’t work without them and it’s really sad to see.”

He said that before he quit he felt “tied up” like there was nowhere to go without his portable device. When he switched to his Juul and disposable items, he even noticed physical problems that he didn’t have with the cigarettes: migraines and mouth sores.

You will have mental changes

Clarity can come with quitting, but you can also be an irritated mess for a while. Withdrawal symptoms are known by this point, but expect anxiety, depression, and a smelly attitude.

However, try to think positively. Focus on how good what you do is for yourself, how good it is for your family, or how much money you will save. It gets hard, especially when the desire is strong, but it is necessary.

Therefore, do not turn yourself on your head if you take an unscrupulous train here and there. This may not be linear. You could start and stop repeatedly; a lot of people do. These little devices are designed to be hard to quit, not just because of the nicotine they contain, but because they give you so much more: flavors, something to do with your hands and mouth, an excuse to leave a room leave that you didn’t want to be there, etc. Saying goodbye to all of this is not an easy task. This is a mental challenge as well as a physical one. But about that …

You will notice physical changes

Robert said he craved a great deal of sugar after quitting, which is reflected in online forums. (More on that later.) You will likely be overly hungry for a period of time, and you may experience a little constipation. Rough but true!

Aside from a sudden interest in sweet foods, there were other physical changes that Robert noticed immediately and even more over time.

“I’ve noticed my skin is returning to its normal color,” he said. “About a month later, I didn’t spit out phlegm every morning. Finally, after about two months, I had little or no breathlessness. “

Look in the mirror. Is your skin an unusual color? If so, did you even notice? This is a little alarming and another side effect of vaping that is often discussed on forums. OK; now is the time to talk about it.

You need a support system

It’s easier to do difficult things when you have someone by your side, especially someone who understands what you’re going through. the Quit the vaping subreddit has 6,000+ members so you can start there.

Also, tell your friends and family what you are up to. They can help you hold yourself accountable by calling you out when you are trying to make a move. Also, if you’re irritable or experiencing food cravings, it’s best to do some research on why you might be ‘tude-y’.

You will prop yourself up on a pair of crutches

Robert said he wouldn’t have gotten this far in quitting without the nicotine patches and coffee. Listen, you may not like the idea of ​​replacing one habit with another, but if you need to, you may have to consider it first.

When it comes to the nicotine, patches are helpful. If you like the sweet, fruity taste or have a little oral fixation, try sugar-free hard candies or flavored seltzer. If you like to have something in hand to play with, take a look in fidget toys or Fear rings.

You will be happy that you did that

As hard as the journey may be, the reward is great – in the truest sense of the word. For starters, you are about to start saving money seriously. Disposable vapes are expensive, as are the e-liquid you can buy for longer-term devices. (Put the $ 10 or so dollars you would have spent on a disposable item in a glass every time you feel the urge to buy one. Channel your cravings into a money-saving technique and pamper yourself after you get one have spent a certain amount of time outside the Juul.)

You will be healthier, breathe better, and generally be in a better place. Keep this end goal in mind and trust that you can do it.