Screenshot: People Can Fly / Square Enix
As if there weren’t enough looters, Outriders is out today. It’s a lot of game, with a lot of settings that can affect the way you play. Some are obvious; Some are not. It goes without saying that things like this are a matter of taste, but I have found that the following improvements made my time on Enoch more comfortable.
Minimal rarity with automatic prey
Like any loot-based game, Outriders has a color-coded gear ranking system:
- White (common)
- Green (unusual)
- Blue (rare)
- Purple (epic)
- Orange (legendary
Outriders contains a system for weakening the FOMO equipment. You can set it up so that when you quickly travel to a new location at the end of the stages, you round up any missing gear of a certain quality. If you want to include it all, put it on in common. If that overflows your inventory, increase it a few levels.
Auto Set Maximum World Tier
The difficulty with outriders is determined by so-called “world levels”, a level system that complements the progress of your character. World Tier 1 is the difficulty level “story”, 3 is “normal”, 5 is “expert”, all up to 15 (“madness”). For example, if you are playing at world level 4, you will need to gain enough experience points to advance to level 5. You must earn enough at level 5 to reach level 6. etc. Each new level makes enemies tougher, but also allows you to earn and equip better gear.
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You can set the game to automatically take you to the highest unlocked level, but I prefer to leave it out. It’s better to manually control variables like “how bad bullets hurt” and “how often you get the shiny things”.
Activate the crossplay
The Outriders demo offered crossplay between PlayStation, Xbox and PC in beta status, but had to be activated manually. Crossplay is enabled by default in the full game. If you prefer to only play with people on the same platform, you will need to turn this option off manually.
If the game’s crossplay works, It’s a great timeHowever, during the demo there were more disconnections when playing with a team spread across three platforms than when playing with just one other PS5 player. I haven’t had a chance to fully test the crossplay yet, but developer People Can Fly says There are currently problems with PC console parties.
Smoothing the movie camera
One of the main complaints with the Outriders demo was related to the cutscenes. You were too shaky player said, reminiscent of an action film that was shot with handheld cameras. People can fly accepted the problem, and said A fix was planned for the start.
Now, in full game, you have a fallback. By increasing the smoothness of the film camera, you can stabilize the camera. On PlayStation 5, I’ve found that setting it to .50 does the trick. However, play around with the settings until you know exactly what works for you. Or – and this is specifically for fans of Bourne Trilogy director Paul Greengrass – turn it off entirely.
Voices volume
Seriously, why is everyone screaming in this game?