CALIFORNIA will issue a $ 600 stimulus check to 5.7 million residents who qualify for state Covid aid.
The Golden State Stimulus payment will be sent to eligible residents by direct deposit or check to help those struggling financially during the coronavirus pandemic.
Up to 5.7 million California residents will receive an additional $ 600 stimulus paymentPhoto credit: Getty
The payments are on top of the third round of stimulus checks of $ 1,400 currently being issued by the federal government.
It was set up as part of a $ 7.6 billion coronavirus relief package in the state.
State officials have determined that among eligible residents are those who have received California Earned Income Tax Credit.
Individuals who qualify for the EITC and also file their taxes using a unique tax identification number will receive an additional $ 600 which means their check is $ 1,200.
The Golden State Stimuklus payment is part of a $ 7.6 billion aid packagePhoto credit: Getty
“You can receive this payment when you receive the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) or submit a unique tax identification number (ITIN),” said the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB).
“You have to include your ITIN in your tax return,” advises the FTB.
“Your ITIN cannot be pending. Wait until you have your ITIN to file your tax return. You are eligible for the GSS [Golden State Stimulus] if you are filing on or before October 15th. “
To qualify for CalEITC, residents must have taxable income of up to $ 30,000, Newsweek reports, and have earned $ 75,000 or less.
You can’t use “married / RDP” [Registered Domestic Partner] submit separately “if married.
Residents must also have filed their taxes for 2020.
If you did this between January 1st and March 1st, the FTB processed your return and you will receive your stimulus payment after April 15th.
The FTB warns that an Eligible Resident will not receive their payment until their taxes have been filed.
New batches of payments are processed twice a month.
According to Newsweek, the first information on eligible residents was sent to FTB on April 15, including those who had filed taxes by March 1.
Residents who filed taxes between March 2 and April 23 should expect to receive the $ 600 stimulus payment in May.
The FTB states that Californians should allow two weeks for direct deposits and four to six weeks for checks in the mail.
For those who haven’t filed taxes by April 23rd, they should allow their return to be processed first.
After that you should have 45 days for the stimulus payments to be processed and issued by FTB.
California has a wait times website that gives you an idea of how long it will take the FTB to process tax returns.
Individuals with questions about their stimulus reviews can call the board or speak to a representative on their website.
The state’s plan replaces the third stimulus package by one month.
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The California Policy Lab found that more than 2 million low-income citizens are missing out on more than $ 5.7 billion in potential stimulus payments.
The stimulus plan is primarily aimed at people who have already completed a financial assistance package, particularly those who have been hardest hit financially by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Demand for a fourth and even a fifth federal stimulus package rises as Democrats claim more funds are needed to help families in financial trouble.
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