A self-known curmudgeon has shown how he brews his coffee with a sock and uses his bath water over and over again.
Michael McSurley describes himself as the most thrifty curmudgeon in Tennessee and has reduced his monthly expenses to $ 1,000 with his inventive, money-saving solutions.
Michael McSurley describes himself as the most thrifty curmudgeon in TennesseeImage Credit: TLC
The 40-year-old has found ways to enjoy the things he loves cheaply, right through to his morning coffee.
Regarding TLC’s Extreme Cheapskates, he explains: “I made a coffee machine out of a cup, an old sock and a twisted tie.”
He just boils his water on the stove before pouring it into a sock filled with coffee grounds, which then acts as a filter in his cup, saving him money every week.
Michael refuses to throw away anything he can possibly turn into a money-saving device and generates less than a bag of trash a week.
He makes his coffee in an old sockImage Credit: TLC
He reckons that his elastic will save him $ 100 a year on soapImage Credit: TLC
One invention he’s particularly proud of is his soap dish, which he covered with rubber bands to let the soap dry and prevent mildew.
He says, “My soap lasts twice as long as it normally does. I’m probably saving $ 80 to $ 100 a year on soap alone. “
Michael successfully cut his water bill to just $ 15 a month, but he won’t stop until it hits zero.
He says, “I save my water bill by saving my water after showering.
Michael is now collecting rainwater to save even more on his billImage Credit: TLC
I collect the water in the tub, get a bucket, shovel it out, take it where I need to use it, including doing the dishes once a week, washing the laundry once a month, and I can even use and put the water in the toilet to flush it. “
To cut his bill even further, Michael is now collecting rainwater to set up his own irrigation system in his home.
“The goal is to get my water bill as close to zero as possible,” he explains.
His mother Judy adds, “It’s very frugal and a little cheap, but I love it and he has great ideas.”
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