Nothing happens in the mizanine household Maryse Mizanin don’t know about. Even if Mike “The Miz” Mizanin thinks he pulls a quick on her, it just won’t happen. He secretly decorated a “MizCave” during the April 12th episode of their USA Network reality show Miz & Mrs. He assumed Maryse wouldn’t find out about it (until the episode aired) because he was hiding in a ” “Room with them was located at home. Still, she realized immediately.

The mother of two told Daily Pop’s Carissa Culiner“It’s my house. I’ll find out pretty quickly if you want to do something you shouldn’t be doing.” Maryse isn’t the only mizanine lady who found out about the MizCave. Her daughters Madison and Monroe have “completely” taken over the secret location, according to The Miz.

The girls also enjoyed their backyard sand pit which didn’t come together as seamlessly. Mike said, “They didn’t put it where it was supposed to be,” and as a result, a ton of sand had to be “shoveled” and wheelbarrowed. He added, “And guess who had to do all this?” He also taught Monroe how to swim and make the most of his time at home with his wife and daughters. “This is what warms my heart the most.”