UPDATE: Taylor Swift and the Evermore theme park shake off their respective lawsuits.

After a legal battle over the everlasting name, a Grammy-winning spokesperson told E! News: “As a solution to both lawsuits, the parties will drop and dismiss their respective lawsuits without a financial settlement.”


TO UPDATE: Taylor Swift’s team continues to fight the Evermore theme park.

In court documents from E! News, TAS Rights Management, the company that manages Taylor’s trademark and music rights, has filed a counterclaim alleging the Utah property used three Grammy-winning songs without proper licenses, including “Love Story,” ” You Belong With Me “and” Bad Blood “. ”

“As of 2019, BMI repeatedly informed the defendants through phone calls, emails, letters, and draft licensing agreements about both the copyrighted nature of the works and the unlawful nature of their continued use of the same in public performances at the Defendants’ theme park,” court documents stated. “The defendants ignored this news and instead chose to continue using the works without permission, with full knowledge of their violations, in order to promote awareness and attendance at their theme park.”

TAS Rights Management hopes to seek damages and protect the theme park from continued violations. E! News asked Taylor’s team and the Evermore Theme Park for additional comments and received no response.


Taylor Swift’s team slams a lawsuit from a Utah theme park called Evermore.

In court documents from E! News, Evermore claims the singer’s latest album breached its trademark by using the same name.

The theme park owners said the release of evermore created confusion over whether the two were linked. In fact, the Utah venue claimed in court documents that there was a “dramatic deviation from typical traffic” on its website in the week following the album’s release.