Illustration for article titled Rebuild Your Confidence With These HabitsPhoto: Love Solutions (Shutterstock)

Harvard Health Publishing reported that self-confidence rises and falls in a bell-shaped curve: with age, self-confidence rises, peaks at age 60 and then begins to decline. The publication reported self-confidence based on a full life, but confidence fluctuates. You may lose confidence after failing a project at school or work, for example, or after losing a friend or loved one. So what can you do when you find yourself in a particularly difficult situation? Here is a routine that can help you rebuild that loss of confidence.

Do a morning routine

A regular morning routine devoted to self-care is full of it health benefitssuch as increasing productivity and energy levels, as well as reducing stress; In turn, higher productivity and less stress can help build self-confidence. In addition, taking care of your body and mind can help motivate positive thoughts and increase self-esteem.

A morning routine can be anything you choose, as long as it’s consistent. Try starting small by making your bed, finding a regular skin regimen, or meditating. Regardless of your routine, make sure you allow enough time so that you don’t feel rushed as you try to prepare for your day.

Choose your affirmations

You can build on your healthy habits before taking on the responsibilities of the day by doing habitual mental exercises that can increase self-esteem and increase brain function. It just needs to be small tasks performed on a daily basis to create a pattern and take advantage of its benefits. Therefore, consider daily confirmations a good place to start. Healthline published a list of The best motivational apps of 2020 That can help you with this – some apps include daily confirmations, while others offer activities that are tailored to your personality and lifestyle. Try to make these exercises consistent in order to recover and achieve a longer lasting mood change.

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Illustration for article titled Rebuild Your Confidence With These Habits

Learn positive language

When I feel particularly inadequate, it is difficult to turn negative conversations into positive ones. However, it is imperative to find ways to replace these negative thoughts in order to move beyond a loss of confidence. Very good mind suggests some alternative statements to use if you’re feeling pessimistic:

  • Instead of saying to yourself, “I can’t handle this” or “This is impossible”, remind yourself that you can handle this or “Just have to try”.
  • Instead of telling yourself, “I can’t do anything right” when you make a mistake, remind yourself “I can do better next time” or “At least I’ve learned something”.
  • Instead of saying that you “hate” public speaking, use milder work like “dislike” and remind yourself that “everyone has strengths and weaknesses”.

Keep a gratitude journal

ON Gratitude journal This is where you can write down a list of the things you are grateful for, usually daily or weekly. Naturally, when you make a habit of writing down your gratitude, your brain will build the ability to find the areas of your day that you are grateful for. As shared by Robert A. Emmons, PhD Bigger good magazine, “Strive for depth over breadth. There are more benefits to elaborating on a specific cause for which you are grateful than a superficial list of many things. “The more grateful you are, the more likely you will be to rebuild confidence that you have good things in your life – and that you deserve them.