An unfortunate side effect of a social media platform’s success is a corresponding increase in cyberbullying and harassment, and TikTok is no exception.

Fortunately, the company has started implementing new anti-bullying strategies to keep its users safe, starting with stricter anti-harassment and cyberbullying policies that were introduced in December 2020. The latest part of TikTok’s anti-bullying initiative consists of two new features designed to reduce harmful comments.

Comment approval

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The first is a new option to approve comments. With TikTok, users can already Filter comments by keywordThis can help prevent users from posting blurring, swear words, or other problematic content on your videos. The app can now hide any new comments until you review and approve them. Those you approve will appear publicly in the comments section of the video, and those you dismiss will not be published at all.

How to find and activate the new comment review tool in the TikTok app:

  1. Open your TikTok profile.
  2. Tap the “…” Symbol.
  3. Go to Privacy and security> Who can comment on my videos?
  4. Choose “Comment filter.”
  5. To turn on “Filter all comments.”

To see a list of all pending comments, return to the Comment Filter menu and tap “Check your filtered comments.” Tap a comment, then choose whether to delete or approve it.

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Preventive anti-bullying prompts

In addition to the new comment review tool, TikTok now automatically reviews comments before a user posts them.

If the app’s AI detects a language that violates TikTok’s guidelines, the app warns users that their comment may be violating the rules and gives them the option to revise or discard the comment.

Illustration for the article titled Using TikTok's New Anti-Bullying ToolsImage: TikTok

However, it does not prevent users from posting potentially harmful comments. Users can ignore TikTok’s prompts to reconsider their comment and post anyway. In this case, the advanced comment filter will hopefully prevent these rough answers from ultimately being displayed in the comment area. Still, the company hopes the extra step will reduce nuisance – and general negativity – on its platform.
