Illustration for article titled The New Mega Construx Pokémon Sets are the stress reliever I needPhoto: Giovanni Colantonio

When I was young there were two specific things I liked. The first, of course, was Pokémon. As a kid in the 90s, it was just inevitable. I wanted every piece of Pokémon merch I could find, whatever it was. To this day I’ll remember one obscure toy I had and think, “Wait, why did I have this?” You could have hit Pikachu on a grinder and I would have asked my parents (actually I would still like that today).

My other obsession was building things. Like many children, I loved toys like LEGOs that I could use to make something out of different bricks. It wasn’t just LEGO, however. I owned tons of K’Nex, a whole range of Puzz3D puzzlesand of course some Pokémon construction kits. The most complicated thing I’ve ever built was a Lapras model that could throw its fins around. It was a rare intersection between two childhood joys.

That energy is back thanks to Mattel’s new Mega Construx Pokémon sets. The new toy line celebrates the 25th anniversary of the franchise with the best builds from Kanto. The sets range from tiny models of creatures like Squirtle to a Jumbo 12 “Pikachu. Each set contains bags full of stones and intricate instructions that read like IKEA instructions. When I saw these sets, I immediately went back to the time I had assembled my little lapras. I had to see if I could rekindle the same spark here.

I chose a medium sized challenge with that 4 “Charizard figure. The 210-piece set consisted of tons of small orange and yellow stones and a set of rubbery wings. I was on my way to the races and clicked the stones together before bed one night. Before long, I had managed to put the entire breast together, which my cat happily knocked over at the first opportunity.

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That pleasant first session turned into an obsession the next day. When the work day started to strain me, I decided to take a short break to build more. I completely lost track of the time and within an hour I had most of the model assembled. Here the childlike attraction of such a toy came back; It was an instant de-stressor. It’s such a carefree thing to throw some time aside to sit still and click pieces together. The payoff of a cool Pokémon is so pure and innocent.

Illustration for article titled The New Mega Construx Pokémon Sets are the stress reliever I needPhoto: Giovanni Colantonio

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As adults, how often do we put things together for sheer pleasure? People always call PC building “LEGOs for Adults,” but it’s an extremely stressful process that involves hundreds of dollars in fragile technology. Don’t even get me started with furniture. I built an outdoor swing two years ago and I hope I never have to take it apart and reassemble it again. It’s nice to have a nice rocking chair outside, but I would have bought it fully molded right away if it had cost me hours of trouble.

After finishing my little Charizard buddy, I felt incredibly relaxed. This very simple pleasure put my brain at ease on a stressful day and I had a small trophy to display on my desk for the experience. Now this building flaw is in me again. I keep watching this 11 “Eevee and think about how many more anxious days could fill up. The Mega Construx set is a perfect combination of childhood nostalgia in a peaceful line of toys. Toys like this may be aimed at children, but more adults should ignore the age sign and give in to their long dormant construction impulses. Maybe we could all finally relax.

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